The Poetry's For My Future Husband Part 1

See you, when I see you, darling. You know dear, I love literature, making poetry, and some scripts such as short stories, essays, blogs, etc. I have a favorite quote from Boris Pasternak, He is a Russian Poet. He said, "Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary". If you want to know why I should like literature? the reason I'm doing that is to recover myself.

I'm going to show you my work, soon if you want to give a comment. I'll let you, hahaha. Sometimes, I want to guess who you are but I don't have the bravery. I'm trying to learn many things now, and I would like to cultivate my capabilities as far as I can, I admire the way my brain arranges words by words, aw!. So, let's go bruh! please I just make this for you, my special one, later yeah! Everything becomes easy except LOVE.

The First - Only You.

I come into your eyes
I never knew what love is
I keep trying my best
I understand, maybe that’s a test
Exams always excite me
You’re always stirring me
I don’t really know
Who, when and where
Can we meet?
To fit 

The Second.
(Trying and Surviving)

See, how far we go?
And how did you see that?
Perhaps, you started the steps
It's you, you fly away
        Your soul twinkling
        Never stop thinking
        Never stop learning
        Never stop exploring
        See, your heart shining
Red roses bloom in your eyes
And your eyes see my eyes ...

The Third.
(Never forget who you are)

You are always my infinity
Survival with serenity
Those eyes are intellect
But you said imperfect
You burn the fears
You create the tears
        Somebody for someone is real
        You've been stargazing
        With the simple satisfying
Coz, I adore you for infinity ...

The Fourth.
(Keep calm and stable)

To be you, to breathe
And you need a bandage
To be me, to backward
and perhaps afterward
and the wet wound
and everything is bound
        To find you, to see you
        To love you, to you ...

The Fifth.
(Focus on something that can make you happy, yourself is the first priority)

The magic in you, to you a little star
And she asked, "Do we make a war?"
The deepest we felt
The longest we kept
        It belongs to you, beauty
        It's only for you honey
        Then cultivate the fire of passion
        With a clear vision and mission
        Until it creates a transformation
From the smallest to the biggest
Aggregation ...

The Sixth.
(And I'll find you there, you grow so fast, I can see the alteration)

With the same juxtapositions
Some false predictions
There are restrictions
He's blowing up the balloon
As fast as the typhoon
        He's like temperature
        Celcius in serious heat
        Wanna be killed, hit, and hated...

The Seventh.
(In our class of hope, you and I in the same vibrations)

Looking for you in the ocean
There's a marvelous creation
We bring up an awful conversation
So, we need a deep contemplation
And only mathematician
Who can find a solution
With our hexagon
In the last session ...

The Eighth.
(We learn together, but you must work hardly to-get-her)

I walk beyond my mind
Creating a couple of wings then
I slept and fell on the swings
        When are you coming back?
        And all of a sudden it turns black
        Where are you living now?
        And you sink in the snow
You and I are still in the mystery 
Probably complicated to solve fastly
        So see you soon
        With the light of the moon ...

The Ninth.
(Dear, just give me the chance to know you more)

No definition for us
Not just three but more
You and me, and secret
But actually,
No sensitivity
And you see? ...

The Tenth.
(Forever for You, the dedication in everlasting moments)

Push yourself
No one else is going to do it for you
I want you to know
But the right time is not know
I want you to stay
But you said 'not okay'
Remind you of the long story
Crossing a crowded street
Laughing in minimarket
Collecting ice cream sticks 
Talking about my friend's lipsticks
And still, we find lonely
In a world full of jolly
I love you, honey ...

Thanks, I will make it again for you. I need to find some inspiration, It's very complicated to gain many words subsequently I have to make them up one by one, the poetry is made by Zara and the poetry is presented to my lovely future hubby yeah. I'm so happy, Alhamdulillah.


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